Professional Certificate in Shari'ah Advisory (PCSA) | ABP


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ABP - Academy of Business Professionals



PCSA is designed to equip candidates with the requisite technical understanding and professional skills on Shari’ah compliance and review processes for the international Islamic banking and finance industry. Once you completed the PCSA course successfully you are eligible for the certification which is awarded by ABP.


On completion of this qualification, learners will have the opportunity for achieving Edupro, UK Level 5 Diploma in Shari’ah Advisory & Audit (DSAA) and also can register for AAOIFI Certified Shari’a Adviser and Auditor (CSAA) Examination, subject to payment of required fees.


CSAA is a professional qualification by AAOIFI, based in Bahrain. The Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOlFl) is an Islamic international autonomous non-for-profit corporate body that prepares accounting, auditing, governance, ethics and Shari’a standards for Islamic financial institutions and the industry.


The programme aims to familiarise candidates with the roles and functions in Islamic financial institutions, to know the mechanics which ensure Shariah compliance in accordance with scholars’ rulings, and to understand the technical review used to determine Shariah compliance.

  • Roles and functions of various Shari’ah compliance and review processes in financial institutions.
  • Correlation between a financial institution’s Shari’ah Supervisory Board (SSB) and its internal Shari’ah compliance and review processes.
  • Mechanism to ensure Shari’ah compliance in accordance with resolutions and fatwas (Scholars’ rulings) issued by SSB.
  • Technical review of banking and financial operations to determine Shari’ah compliance.
  • Establishing the foundations to gain stakeholders’ trust and confidence in a financial institution’s adherence to Shari’ah.


Shari’a Standard

  • Trading in currencies
  • Debit card, charge card and credit card
  • Procrastinating debtor
  • Settlement of debt by set-off
  • Guarantees
  • Conversion of a conventional bank to an islamic bank
  • Hawalah
  • Murabahah
  • Ijarah and ijarah muntahia bittamleek
  • Salam and parallel salam
  • Istisna’a and parallel istisna’a
  • Sharikah (musharakah) and modern corporations
  • Mudarabah
  • Documentary credit15:
  • Ju’alah
  • Commercial papers
  • Investment sukuk
  • Possession (qabd)
  • Loan (qard)
  • Sale of commodities in organized markets
  • Financial paper (shares and bonds)
  • Concession contracts
  • Agency and the act of an uncommissioned agent (fodooli)
  • Syndicated financing
  • Combination of contracts
  • Islamic insurance
  • Indices
  • Banking services in islamic banks
  • Stipulations and ethics of fatwa in the institutional framework
  • Monetization (tawarruq)
  • Controls on gharar in financial transactions
  • Arbitration
  • Waqf
  • Hiring of persons
  • Zakah
  • Impact of contingent incidents on commitments
  • Credit agreement
  • Online financial dealings
  • Mortgage and its contemporary applications
  • Distribution of profit in mudarabah-based investment accounts
  • Islamic reinsurance
  • Financial rights and how they are exercised and transferred
  • Insolvency
  • Obtaining and deploying liquidity
  • Protection of capital and investments
  • Al-wakalah bi al-istithmar (investment agency)
  • Rules for calculating profit in financial transactions
  • Options to terminate due to breach of trust (trust-based options)


Governance Standard

  • Shari’a supervisory board: appointment, composition and report
  • Shari’a review
  • Internal shari’a review
  • Audit and governance committee for Islamic financial institutions

Class Schedule:

Fri & Sat


02:30PM – 05:00PM

(BST: GMT+6)


Live Online



Fee: Tk 15,000

(Excluding AAOIFI Exam Fee)



Mezbah Uddin Ahmed,

AAOIFI Master Trainer
Researcher, ISRA Research
Management Centre,
INCEIF University, Malaysia

Dr. Md. Habibur Rahman.

Dr. Md. Habibur Rahman

PhD in Fiqh Mu’amalat
Chartered Islamic Finance Professional (CIFP)
Bachelor in Shari’ah, Al-Azhar University, Egypt
Faculty of Business and Management
University Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA)
Terengganu, Malaysia

Md. Shamsuddoha, CSAA

Executive Vice President,
Islami Bank Bangladesh


Mezbah Uddin Ahmed, FCCA, CIPA, CSAA

AAOIFI Master Trainer
Researcher, International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA), Malaysia

Mohammad Mizanur Rahman

Certified Shariah Advisor & Auditor (CSAA), AAOIFI
Junior Assistant Vice president at Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd.