Professional Certificate course on Python & R for Data Analysis Beginners


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ABP - Academy of Business Professionals

Certificate Course in Fundamentals of

Python & R
for Data Analysis

Step into the realm of data analysis with our comprehensive Certificate Course in Fundamentals of Python & R for Data Analysis. This course will guide you through Python and R programming, structured in a progression from basics to more complex concepts. In Python, you'll learn to navigate the language starting with an introduction, advancing to functions, loops, conditions, and collections including lists, sets, tuples, and dictionaries, culminating in string operations, file handling, and utilising powerful libraries. The R programming section will initiate you into its fundamentals, lead you through effective data manipulation and exploration techniques, and teach you programming constructs, before wrapping up with the principles of graphing and advanced plotting systems. This dual-language course is your gateway to mastering the essential tools for insightful data analysis.

LiveLive OnlineClass

Class Starts:   10 July '24
Classes on:   Every Monday & Wednesday
Class Time:  (8:00 PM - 10:00 PM)

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    PhD in Info Sys (UoN,AU)
    Sr Lecturer, Analytics, IS & Op (OBU,UK)
    Former Asst/Prof, Analytics & DM (XMUM,MY)
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    Ex-employee @ GP, NSN, MISL

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