Professional Certificate in Project Management Technology | ABP


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ABP - Academy of Business Professionals

Professional Certificate in

Project Management Technology

This program focuses on building the hands-on technical skills needed for managing projects at all levels of operation. The objective is to equip the learners with tools, technologies, and strategic insights to implement and adapt to the top project management solutions of today and the future.

4 WeeksFormative Assessment
Live Online Class4 MoudulesLive

Session Availability

Salient Features of ABP’s

Certificate Courses 

State of the Art

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Course Content

Topic 1: Workflow analysis
Topic 2: Tech requirement analysis
Topic 3: Exploring technology solutions
Topic 1: Excel-based automation
Topic 2: Google-based automation
Topic 3: Free-tech integrations
Topic 1: Taskade – cloud productivity
Topic 2: ClickUp – cloud PM solution
Topic 3: Slack for team communication
Topic 1: Zapier for solution integration
Topic 2: Remuneration and Compensation
Topic 3: Agile technology roadmap

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ABP’s E-learning platform is not only focused on the study, but it also emphasises connecting professionals as well!

Access from Desktop, Android and iOS

No matter which device you use. We have mobile apps for Android, iOS and Web Version of our E-Learning Platform!

Industry Expert Trainers

A Picture of Muhammad Arifur Rahman - Trainer of ABP Bangladesh.

Muhammad Arifur

Director, Business Development
Intelliva Inc. Canada
Former Training & Development Consultant,
Memorial University
Former Lead Curriculum Developer &
Resident Mentor, BetterStories Ltd.
Former CFO
Digicon Technologies

Our Corporate Clients

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