Professional Certificate in Microsoft Excel | PCEXCEL


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ABP - Academy of Business Professionals

Professional Certificate in

Microsoft Excel

This program focuses on building the hands-on technical skills needed for managing projects at all levels of operation. The objective is to equip the learners with tools, technologies, and strategic insights to implement and adapt to the top project management solutions of today and the future.

4 WeeksFormative Assessment
Live Online Class11 Session Live

Session Availability

Up Coming Batch

PCEXCEL Batch - 07

Class Starts:  10 Aug '24
Classes on: Every Saturday & Wednesday
Class Time: (8:00 PM to 10:00 PM)

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    Industry Expert Trainer


    Tanjir Ahmed, MMA

    Senior Analyst, E-commerce,
    Canadian Tire Corporations, Canada
    Former Business Analyst, FGF Brands, Canada
    Former Team Lead & Business Analyst, Chevron, Bangladesh

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