Professional Certificate in Islamic Banking Products (PCIBP) | ABP


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ABP - Academy of Business Professionals



There is a growing demand for Islamic banking in Bangladesh. While the number of banks converting to Islamic is increasing, the general public are also increasingly aware and concerned of Shariah compliance aspects of the Islamic banking products. The Islamic banks are also facing the need to be innovative and adopt international best practices in their product offerings. Taking these into considerations, this course is designed to provide an understanding of different Islamic banking products that are currently offered in Bangladesh and other countries, and their Shariah based structures. At the end of the course, the participants will be in a better position to structure Islamic banking products and appreciate their Shariah compliance requirements.

Course Content

Professional Certificate in Islamic Banking Products has following 10 sessions:

Day 01: Shariah Principles of Islamic finance

          •       Shariah principles of Islamic finance
•       Maqasid al-Shariah
•       Islamic Legal Maxims in the context of Islamic banking
•       Assessment (10 marks)

Day 02: Fundamentals of Islamic banking contracts

 •       Overview of Islamic banking operations
•       Overview of contracts applied in Islamic banking
•       Assessment (10 marks)

Day 03: Transforming Conventional products to IBPs

•       Conventional to Islamic conversion process
•       Assessment (10 marks)

Day 04: Investment

•       Home financing
•       Commercial space financing
•       Financing construction projects
•       Vehicle financing
•       Relevant products offered in Bangladesh and selected other countries
•       Applicable Shariah contracts and their conditions
•       Assessment (10 marks)

Day 05: Investment Products - 2

•       Overdraft
•       Credit card
•       Financing for other purposes
•       Relevant products offered in Bangladesh and selected other countries
•       Applicable Shariah contracts and their conditions
•       Assessment (10 marks)

Day 06:Deposit Products & Profit Calculation of IB Products

•       Deposit products offered in Bangladesh and selected other countries
•       Applicable Shariah contracts and their conditions
•       Profit calculation methods and their Shariah principles
•       Assessment (10 marks)

Day 07: Trade finance and Service based products

•       Trade finance
•       Export Import Business
•       Service based products
•       Bank charges
•       Relevant products offered in Bangladesh and selected other countries
•       Applicable Shariah contracts and their conditions
•       Assessment (10 marks)

Day 08: Liquidity Management of IBs

•       Liquidity management of Islamic banks
•       Investment in Islamic securities
•       Issuance of AT1 and T2 instruments
•       Islamic money market instruments
•       Assessment (10 marks)

Day 09: Prudential Requirements, risk management and IB Product Reengineering for IBs

•       Risk Management of Islamic Banks
•       Regulatory Requirements
•       Early settlement
•       Rescheduling and restructuring
•       Penalty
•       Assessment (10 marks)

Day 10: Working Capital Management in IB

•       Working capital financing
•       Revolving facility
•       Relevant products offered in Bangladesh and selected other countries
•       Refinancing
•       Applicable Shariah contracts and their conditions
•       Assessment (10 marks)

Day 11: Exam

•       Assessment (2 hours) (100 marks)


Class Schedule:

Friday, Monday


Friday (06:00-08:00PM) &
Monday (8:00-10:00PM)


Live Online



Fee: Tk 9,800

(Excluding VAT) Corporate discount available for 3 or more participants [Fee payable at the time of admission]


Md. Atiqur Rahman Khan Khadem.png

Md. Atiqur Rahman Khan Khadem

Vice President,
Ph.D. Researcher, BOU
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited


Mezbah Uddin Ahmed,

AAOIFI Master Trainer
Researcher, ISRA Research
Management Centre,
INCEIF University, Malaysia

Dr. Md. Habibur Rahman.

Dr. Md. Habibur Rahman

PhD in Fiqh Mu’amalat
Chartered Islamic Finance Professional (CIFP)
Bachelor in Shari’ah, Al-Azhar University, Egypt
Faculty of Business and Management
University Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA)
Terengganu, Malaysia

Mohammad Ishrat Hossain Khan.png

Mohammad Ishrat Hossain Khan

Senior Vice President & Head of Islamic Banking at United Commercial Bank Limited

Md. Ali Reza FCMA.jpg

Md. Ali Reza FCMA

Vice President, Chief Financial Officer & Company Secretary (Acting) at Standard Bank Limited