Professional Certificate in Finance for Non-Finance Managers |ABP


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ABP - Academy of Business Professionals

Professional Certificate in

Finance for Non-Financial Manager

8 WeeksFormative Assessment
Live Online Class6 ModulesLive

Next session starts

    24 August, 2022

Discounted Course Fee

   Total 6,400 TK.

Salient Features of ABP’s

Certificate Courses

State of the Art

Online Learning Management Software

State of the Art

Mobile App for Ease of Access

Placement Service

Dedicated Support team

Placement Service

Dedicated Job Portal for ABP Graduates

Course Content

Income Statement (P&L), Statement of Financial Position (BS) and Cash Flow Statement
Plan, implement and monitor
Establishing total costs of product or service
The system by which companies are directed and controlled

Fascinating E-Learning Platform

Get all resources in one place

Online live lectures, recorded lectures, study materials, online exams, online results, live chat, important notifications and many more!

Professional Connection

ABP’s E-learning platform is not only focused on the study, but it also emphasises connecting professionals as well!

Access from Desktop, Android and iOS

No matter which device you use. We have mobile apps for Android, iOS and Web Version of our E-Learning Platform!

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