Professional Certificate in Project Monitoring & Evaluation | PCPME - ABPBD


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ABP - Academy of Business Professionals

Professional Certificate in

Project Monitoring and Evaluation

The Professional Certificate in Project Monitoring and Evaluation is a comprehensive course designed to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively monitor and evaluate projects.

Throughout the course, participants will learn various tools and techniques used in project monitoring and evaluation, such as data collection methods, data analysis, and reporting. They will also learn how to set up monitoring and evaluation systems, develop indicators, and design evaluation plans. Additionally, participants will explore different evaluation approaches and criteria.

Total 2Hours
LiveLive OnlineClass
ProctoredOnline Exams

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Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this training course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand project monitoring and its purpose.
  • Understand types of monitoring and develop a result monitoring framework.
  • Understand data collection requirements for result-based monitoring.
  • Understand project evaluation and its purpose.
  • Understand evaluation criteria associated with development and humanitarian intervention.
  • Support developing an Evaluation Report.
  • Incorporate evaluation findings into implementation.

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A Picture of Sajjad Ahmed - Trainer of ABP Bangladesh.

Sajjad Ahmed

National Programme Development & Reporting Officer, International Organization for Migration (IOM)

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