Academy of Business Professionals
Academy of Business Professionals (ABP)
Postgraduate Diploma in Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (PGDMEAL06)

The ABP PGD in MEAL - Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning is designed for persons who want to work in the public and private sectors as M&E and MEAL practitioners, particularly in the domains of programs, projects, development, health, education, and the environment. This PGD will prepare students to effectively participate in and manage development initiatives at the local, national, and worldwide levels.

  • Course Title
    Postgraduate Diploma in Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (PGDMEAL)
  • Batch
  • Start Date
  • Class Time
    Friday (06.00PM to 08.00PM)
  • Total Credit Hour
  • Study Mode

Fee Details
Onetime Payment
Instalment No Amount
1 5000
2 5000
3 5000
4 5000
5 5000
6 5000
Total Payable Amount 30000
Instalment No Amount
1 25000
Total Payable Amount 25000
More Details:
    Unit 1: Data Collection and Management
    Unit 2: MEAL Frameworks and Approaches
    Unit 3: Planning for MEAL and Project
    Unit 4: Monitoring and Evaluation L7
    Unit 5: Accountability and Learning in Projects
    Unit 6: Data Analyses for Decision Making

Admission Prerequisites for PGD Learners: 

  • Learners must have a reasonable understanding of English to participate in studies and exams.
  • Learners must have a stable internet connection, laptop/PC, webcam, and microphone to avoid disruptions or complications while participating in classes and exams.
  • Learners must commit to maintaining academic integrity, and any form of plagiarism as well as usage of AI is strictly prohibited in exams

Document Requirement:

Online Admission for Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management (PGDPM) form must also be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Certificate of achievement of previous qualifications
  • One Passport size photo
  • Copy of NID

Your performance in each module will be assigned one of four grades: 
Distinction: 80% or more – indicating outstanding performance. 

Merit: 65-79% – indicating a high degree of competence in the subject. 

Pass: 50-64% – an acceptable level of performance in which all learning outcomes have been achieved. 

Referred: 49% or less – a failure to achieve all learning outcomes. The module can be retaken provided that the attempt is made within the eligibility period. You will be referred in a module if your mark is less than 50%.